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Roland Fakler



Criticism of Islam

Women’s rights and gender roles

Islam reinforces patriarchal gender roles. Women have fewer rights, e.g. about divorce, inheritance and court testimony.

Dress code: Regulations such as wearing the headscarf or veiling mean restricting of personal freedom and equality.

Polygamy: Allowing men to have multiple wives is unequal and discriminatory.

Human rights

Severe punishments: In some countries that adhere to traditional interpretations of Sharia law, severe punishments such as stoning, flogging or amputation are practised. These are inhumane and incompatible with modern human rights.

Religious freedom: Apostates (people who leave Islam) can be punished with death in some countries. This contradicts the principle of free choice of religion.

Rights of minorities: Non-Muslim minorities (e.g. Christians or Jews) face legal and social discrimination in some Muslim countries. Not to mention atheists.

Democracy and secularism

Fusion of religion and politics: Islam traditionally does not provide for a separation of religion and state. This hinders the development of democratic and secular societies.

Contradiction with democracy: In some interpretations, the supposedly divine law (Shariah) is placed above human-made law, which must lead to a hierarchical, undemocratic society.

Dealing with homosexuality

Homosexual acts are considered a sin in many Muslim societies. In some countries, there are harsh penalties for this, including the death penalty.

Lack of tolerance: Critics complain about the lack of acceptance for different sexual orientations.

Role of the Quran and Hadith

Immutability: The Quran is viewed by many Muslims as the literal and unchangeable word of God. This prevents reform and adaptation to modernity.

Problematic content: Certain passages in the quran or the hadith (e.g. on the treatment of women or unbelievers) are the basis for intolerance and violence.

Lack of willingness to reform

Resistance to modernization: Reform efforts are strongly resisted by many Islamic communities.

Taqiyya and trust issues

Accusation of deception: The concept of “taqiyya” (concealment of faith in dangerous situations) can be interpreted to mean that Muslims may be dishonest when interacting with non-Muslims.

Cultural hegemony

Influence of religion on everyday life: Islam strongly dominates public and private life in many societies, which limits individual freedom.

Proselytizing and Expansion: Islam is expansion-oriented, particularly through its emphasis on proselytizing (Daʿwa). According to the quran, he can be accused of having plans for world domination.