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Roland Fakler

Anti-Islamic racism


englisch  English Translation

Anti-Islamic racism

“Anti-Muslim racism”, more often “anti-Islamic racism” is a term used by Islamic propagandists to prohibit criticism of the anti-human rights ideology of orthodox Islam from the outset. The idea is to pretend that the rejection of Islam in Germany is based on “race”, which is intended to provoke outrage in memory of the Aryan “racial madness”. However, orthodox Islam is not a race, but a political religion striving for power.

“Race” is a term that is no longer in use today for genetic and external characteristics of people that cannot simply be discarded. Discrimination based on such characteristics violates human rights, while criticism of anti-human rights thinking, even if they are based on religion, is necessary.

Criticism of Islam is self-defence by responsible citizens against a totalitarian worldview

Islam is worthy of criticism, for example, of the striving for power and privileges of male Muslims in a theocracy (caliphate) according to the laws of Sharia; rejection of democracy; no separation of religion and state; men are superior to women; women inherit half as much as men; their voices carry half as much in court because, according to Mohammed, they are more stupid; women can be beaten; women are placed under the supervision of their husbands and have to adhere to a corresponding dress code; men can marry up to four women; child marriages are justified by Mohammed’s marriage to nine-year-old Aisha; honour killings are justified by the fact that women are placed under the supervision of their husbands; genital mutilation; prohibition of religious criticism and freedom of religion; Mohammed is not allowed be criticized; one cannot leave Islam; discrimination against homosexuals, cruel punishments (handcuffs, whipping, stoning)…

Islam can only be accepted here if it can adapt to and subordinate itself to the free, democratic order. But this can only be done by Muslims who take Islam more lightly than the Imams would like. The dose makes the poison! In other words: Islam cannot be accepted here, only people who do not take it seriously!

The accusation of anti-Muslim racism is an outrage, especially because it is orthodox Islam that divides people into valuable and worthless according to their faith or disbelief and, as in racism, grants them different rights accordingly. Christians and Jews (owners of the book) are tolerated as second-class citizens under Sharia law, atheists have no rights whatsoever.

If people reject fascism because it is hostile to human rights, is that “anti-fascist racism?”

Where Islam rules, there is no more freedom! It was not different in Christianity. But the intolerant, persecutory Christian- state has become more humane through criticism and loss of power.

That is why the power of Islam must also be limited and controlled in good time. Ways of thinking and behaviour can be changed through criticism.

The discrimination comes from Islam, or rather from its supposedly “holy” books. In the Quran, Kafir = unbelievers are cursed, insulted and abused in at least 200 places. See my research:

  Antiislamischer Rassismus

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