
What is Sharia?

Sharia is Islamic law, which is derived from the Quran, the Hadhites (life of Mohammed) and the Sunna (four different schools of law among the Sunnis). Islam is Sharia. It commands: No separation of religion and state. Other religions and worldviews are considered not equal to Islam. The Islamic leaders, the caliphs and imams, should rule. This means no democracy, no separation of powers, no control of power. Islamic law (supposedly divine) is believed to be above secular law (made by representatives). Anyone can use a non-existent god for their purposes and put whatever they want into his mouth. It wants privileges for devout Muslims (they should rule) over non-believers and women (who must obey and may be punished if not).

No equality for all citizens. Women must submit to a Muslim dress code (headscarf, hijab, burkini) and have fewer rights (divorce law, inheritance law). Women are considered inferior. They should lead a chaste life under Islamic moral rules and male supervision (honour killings are a matter of honour). Women cannot lead self-determined lives. The wives of unbelievers can be enslaved. They are prey because they are unbelievers. Loss of human rights. Polygamy is permitted, but only for men. Child marriages are justified because of Mohammed’s marriage to nine-year-old Aisha. No child protection. Boys, and sometimes girls too, should be circumcised. This is biblically and traditionally justified. No right of self-determination. Sacrificial animals must be slaughtered. No animal protection. Food and life must be Islamic = halal. The believer must follow many rules. Some of them are harmful to health, such as not drinking anything during the day in Ramadan. It stirs up hatred against Jews, Christians and unbelievers; no friendship with unbelievers. Hatred and punishments for homosexuals. No tolerance for different natural sexualities. Hatred against apostates. No freedom of religion. No criticism of Islam and Mohammed is allowed. No freedom of opinion and art. Obligation to jihad leads to dangerous suicides with many victims. Cruel punishments, chopping off hands and whipping, even stoning. No humane criminal law. Deceiving the unbelievers is permitted: Taquia Destroys trust and credibility.